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Never Ever League
Never Ever League
How much does the Never Ever League cost and how much is it to Rent Equipment?
What is Included in the Rental Kit Package for the Never Ever League?
Can I Purchase the Rental Equipment after the Never Ever League and how much does it Cost?
Do I need any Skating Experience to be able to Participate in the Never Ever League?
Can I Sign Up with a Friend for the Never Ever League?
How many weeks is the Never Ever League, and how long are you on the ice each week?
If I get injured or can no longer participate in the program, is there a refund policy for the Never Ever League?
How many participants are in a given class for the Never Ever League?
What is the coach to player ratio on the ice for the Never Ever League?
What payment options do you offer for the Never Ever League?
After I complete Never Ever, can I join a league?
Do you offer a discount for joining the Never Ever League a second time?