• All players are required to register online through the IAHL website (Sports Connect registration platform) for each playing season they intend to participate in.

  • All registered teams are required to have eleven (11) fully registered players on their roster (10 players and 1 goaltender) prior to the start of each new playing season. If a team does not have 11 players registered minimum, the league director will place a free agent to the team if needed.

  • Teams may only have 16 participants playing in a game. (15 players, 1 goalie).

  • Subs are permitted to play in league games, but must pre-pay/register prior to arrival to a game through the IAHL Sub Player ticketing link (which all team captains will be provided with, and can send to sub players when arranging them to play for a team in any given game). Team captains must submit a sub roster to the League Director for approval, and any sub player that wishes to play that is not on the approved sub roster must be approved by the League Director prior to being allowed to participate in any league games. 

  • All players must check in before each game at the front desk of the Iceplex. The League Director monitors policy and will communicate directly with team captains if their team fails to follow this procedure.  A team that continually fails to follow this procedure is subject to disciplinary action (player suspension, captain suspension, etc.).

  • Players are not permitted to play in more than one division that is one playing level below what they are classified as.

  • The League Director reserves the right to review any penalties and issue supplementary discipline to players deemed guilty of any actions deemed dangerous, or detrimental to the game and/or league.

  • Teams must have player jerseys and numbers (No duplicates) If a player changes number or has different number for a different colored jersey they must inform the front desk or the scorekeeper of their jersey number change. 

  • Refund Request: Once a playing season has commenced, no refunds for any player/team specific reasons will be granted. Refunds may be requested and granted for any uncontrollable situations (ie: player injured and unable to play remainder of season).